Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Some upcoming events

A few upcoming events passing through my in-box. If you catch wind of something, let us know!

1) Lawrence-Allen Revitalization Open Houses

The next round of meetings in the Lawrence-Allen Revitalization project begins next week with two open houses on
Wednesday June 10th and Thursday the 11th.   Wednesday's meeting will be at Bathurst Heights Secondary in the evening.  On Thursday we will be at the Lawrence Heights Community Centre in the afternoon and evening.
We will be presenting and discussing detailed option plans for the neighbourhood, which have been put together since our last meetings in March.  Following the meetings, this information will be posted on the project web site and at the library, community centre and other locations.  There will also be further opportunities to discuss these plans in the weeks to come.

2) Eglinton LRT Open Houses

The next round of public consultation including updated designs will occur in June.  There will be six open houses between June 15 and 25 from 6:30 to 9:00 pm:

  • June 15: William Lea Room, 1073 Millwood Rd
  • June 17: Eglinton Public School, 223 Eglinton Avenue East
  • June 18: Richview Collegiate, 1738 Islington Avenue
  • June 23: York Memorial Collegiate, 2690 Eglinton Avenue West (at Keele Street)
  • June 24: Beth Sholom Synagogue, 1445 Eglinton Avenue West (at Allen Road)
  • June 25: Don Montgomery Community Recreation Centre (formerly Mid Scarb. CC), 2467 Eglinton Ave East
If anyone wants to join me for a visit on June 24th, just leave a comment or send an email.

3) Open Internet Town Hall is partnering with for a very special event. Held during Net Change Week in Toronto, and will present Toronto's Open Internet Town Hall, which will be filmed by


Live from the Gladstone Hotel in Toronto, 1214 Queen St. West


Monday June 8, 2009 at 7pm

Featured speakers for the Town Hall include:

*Mark Surman (Executive Director of the Mozilla Foundation)

*Olivia Chow (Member of Parliament (NDP))

*Rocky Gaudrault (CEO of Teksavvy Solutions Inc.)

*Steve Anderson (Co-founder of

*Derek Blackadder (National Representative with CUPE)

Special Guests:
* Olivia Chow – MP
* David Skinner – Prof, York U
* Kim Elliot –
* Mark Kuznicki – remarkk consultant

Until now, Canada's Internet has been an open network and a level playing field for free speech, innovation, and consumer choice. All that is now under threat.

Being held during Net Change Week in Toronto, Toronto's Open Internet Town Hall is designed to give local citizens the chance to shape Canada's broadband future. As Canada falls behind other OECD countries on Internet speed, cost, and openness, will host a lively discussion guided by panelists representing web innovators, social change leaders, and public policy gurus.

We will gather citizen testimony that's Steve Anderson will use to guide his presentation to the CRTC at the July 6 "Traffic Management" hearing. We will also record the town hall meetings and present video testimonials to the CRTC and share them online. Information gathered at the town hall meeting will also help us develop the "Open Internet Declaration" which we will put before MPs and policy makers.

We want to engage the public in discussion on what the future of the Internet should look like by addressing the following questions:

* How can we ensure Internet services for everyone in Canada?
* How do we expand consumer choice and lower costs for Internet services?
* How can the Internet be a catalyst for economic growth, jobs, and prosperity?
* How do we preserve the Internet's level playing field so everyone can access the content, applications, and services of their choice?
* What roles should the federal government, local governments, private industry, and everyday citizens play to build a better Internet?
* What can and should citizens do right now?

Toronto's Internet Town Hall will be held in the historic Gladstone Hotel Ballroom

1214 Queen Street West, Toronto

Monday 8 June, 2009

7 - 10pm

$10 – the associated cost will cover venue rental and production costs.

For more information about the campaign, visit

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